IIM Ahmedabad will be shortlisting top 50 candidates or 1% students, whichever is less, with highest scores from the 5 academic categories shown in the image below and they will be called for the WA-PI stage directly (Only those who meet the minimum cut-off). The 5 academic categories are shown below. The final selection of these students too will be done based on the Aggregate score (mentioned below).
For the remaining students, an application rating system would be laid down based on their academic scores in Xth, XIIth and Graduation as shown in the image below:
The rating received will then be replaced in the following formula:
This will give your application rating score (ARS).
As can be seen from the formula, your graduation scores have been given the most importance.
Your composite score will then be calculated with the help of your CAT Score and your Application Rating Score according to the following formula:
Composite Score= (Obtained CAT score /450) * 0.7 + (AR/45)*0.3
The students will then be selected on the basis of this composite score for the WA-PI stage.
In the second step, after the completion of written analysis and personal interviews (WA-PIs) of all candidates short-listed in the first step, candidates for admission to the 2014-16 batch of the PGP at IIM Ahmedabad are selected from among the candidates who have attended the WA-PI.
The WA-PI Score is based on the following: performance in the written analysis, personal interview, verifiable awards and recognitions, academic performance, exceptional achievements, extra-curricular activities, post-degree work experience, post-graduation education etc.
Once the process is over, final selection will be done.
For final selection, Aggregate score will be used where 70% weightage will be given to WA-PI score and 30% to Composite Score
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